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Frequently Asked Questions

earclear is available in pharmacies. View the list of the pharmacies that stock earclear or contact us with your postcode to receive a list of pharmacies in your area that stock earclear.
This depends on the severity of the ear wax build-up. For a minor build-up you may get relief after one day of treatment where a stubborn build-up may require the full 4 days of treatment.
This indicates a stubborn ear wax blockage.
earclear is the only product on the Australian market that contains carbamide peroxide to break up and disperse ear wax.
An Australian clinical study shows that earclear disperses more ear wax than Waxsol and Cerumol at 45 minutes.
earclear cleansing spray helps prevent a wax build-up by gently washing away excess wax.
The effervescing action of earclear ear wax remover is sometimes but not always heard in the ear. Even if it cannot be heard, earclear ear wax remover is still working to break up and disperse the wax.
No, the ear syringe has a flared tip to prevent over insertion into the ear.
Using cotton tips may push wax deeper into the ear canal and contribute to another ear wax build-up.
earclear ear wax remover can be used from 12 years and up. Use in children under 12 years of age only on advice of a doctor or pharmacist.
Use in children only on advice of a doctor or pharmacist.
Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.